Wreck This Journal: Time Flies


My muse must be feeling nostalgic this week as she keeps leading me to things related to time.   When I went through my Wreck This Journal it fell open to a page with directions to document the passing of time.  Both the writer and history teacher in me got down to business on this page.

I’ve never considered myself much of an artist, but I do love to doodle.  On the left side, I got pretty literal and drew a clock and a calendar.  Then, the philosophical/writer part of my brain took over to fill in the quote.  My muse whispered that phrase in my ear and it came out of my pen.  I love it when that happens!

On the right, the lesson plans I keep in my head exploded across the page until I ran out of room. Drawing is not my forte, but for some reason I was inspired to sketch a little picture for each time period.  I have to say I’m a little proud of the doodles I did of the Colosseum and the boat for the Age of Exploration.  Creativity truly does strike in the strangest of places and often asks us to do things we’d normally approach with reluctance.  This page reminded me my muse has the best of intentions and it’s up to me to make sure I’m open and ready to follow her wherever she leads. Otherwise, I’ll never know the magic of a creative moment.

Upon finishing my pages, I looked at them and thought about how small a moment is in the grand scheme of things. It’s amazing how something so small can mean so much if I take the time to recognize it’s value.  Life is all about grabbing onto those moments and making each one as beautiful as possible. There are only so many and they should never be wasted.

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Previous Wreck This Journal posts:

Letting Go

Keep Reaching

Ignite the Spark

Be Unpredictable

Embrace Imperfection



c.b. 2011

36 thoughts on “Wreck This Journal: Time Flies

  1. What a wonderful post. I love how you showed the passing of time . . . and your doodles are amazing. Your muse has definately grown stronger since I’ve known you. What a wonderfu lthing that is.


    • There is tremendous freedom in doodling . . . its okay if they don’t look right when you’re done. 😉 I can always say “I was just doodling.” Sometimes we surprise ourselves just by trying.

      Thanks so much for reading!


    • What I really liked about the process of this page was the hyper-awareness of time passing. It took a long time to do all those sketches, but I was aware of every second that passed. Everything around me already looks and feels different . . . in a very interesting way. 🙂


    • Thanks! You should have seen the mess I made with crayons and colored pencils! They were everywhere! 🙂

      I make the links in text box, (add a post screen). Type out the name you want to use and then select it. Hit the link button on the toolbar and little box will pop up asking for the link. Copy and past the link you want and hit okay. The text will turn blue or purple and it officially becomes a link. 🙂


  2. Cindy Archer Photography

    Haha, I was reading the comments after I got done reading the post…I was seriously laughing so hard. You said you’re a “doodler” in a comment. My oldest son just happened to be sitting next to me reading and he read that part and said “She told everyone she’s a doodler! That’s weird!”
    In our house a doodle means going numero dos in the bathroom.

    I love your “doodles”! I love your interpretation of time passing too!


  3. T.F.Walsh

    You did a fabulous job with your doodling… I can’t sketch a thing… Love the concept you have running here… will have to check out the rest..


    • Thanks! 🙂 The funny thing is I tried to do a little sketching last night and it was a disaster! I guess I have to wait for my muse to give me direction!

      I appreciate you stopping by and I hope to see you again. Wreck This Journal posts pop up every Wednesday. 🙂


  4. Wise words, as always. And again, I can’t believe you say that drawing isn’t your forte! To be sure, you’re an incredible writer as well, but your doodles are beautiful; I love your style. I think you should really, seriously, think about incorporating drawing with your writing. If you have any interest in children’s literature, I have no doubt of you being equal to illustrating your own work!


    • Thanks for the vote of confidence! 🙂

      I’ve found I doodle better when there isn’t any pressure (even from myself). The trick is telling myself it doesn’t necessarily have to look like anything. Lol! Wait until I post what I doodled in my journal tonight (it’ll go up week after next) – I drew with both my right and left hand – what a kick!

      It’s funny you should say something about incorporating drawings into my writing . . . I added a visual component to my novel in the final draft. My last two Beta readers thought it was really interesting and added impact to the story. Needless to say, it’s staying in. 🙂


  5. For a “doodler” I’d say you do pretty darn good. I used to draw when I was younger and I’m ashamed to say that I don’t make time for it these days. Your “doodles” had me thinking I should change this.


    • Thank you!

      You absolutely should start drawing again! Even though its something I struggle with, I find the process very cathartic and challenging. It does a brain good to change things up a bit. 🙂


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