Unknown Path


Photo and words by: c.b.w. 2013

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One never knows what’s around the bend, but if it were up to me, I’d travel down that barely there dirt path. It wonders beyond the easy curve and dares the traveler to see beyond the stones that block free will. Roots lay traps, while trees mark the way. Follow where courage leads and you will know freedom.

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c.b.w. 2013

20 thoughts on “Unknown Path

  1. I LOVE photos and drawings of paths! A few years ago I wrote a devotion on the word “path” for a monthly coffee group from my church. The word appears over and over in the Psalms. It’s such a simple word, but it denotes our life journeys, so it’s a powerful word, too. Thank you for sharing this! πŸ™‚


  2. Love this! There is a trail where I walk that I fondly refer to as the Hobbit trail. It’s small and barely used, curves around by a pond. Hikers must bend beneath branches and pass over makeshift footbridges. It’s a favorite of mine for just the reasons you describe!


  3. Ah, yes, a less traveled path is far more interesting and secluded, letting you better commune with nature. I think I would follow you through the trees and over their roots to see what lies ahead. πŸ™‚


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