January Status Report: 2012 Goals


To keep myself accountable for the goals I set for 2012, I’ve decided to keep track of my progress with a post at the end of each month.  Goals have a funny way of falling by the wayside due to everyday life and that pesky habit of procrastination that stymies even the best of us.  While my dream board helps me stay focused, an extra insurance policy of accountability will ensure I don’t wander off!

Here’s where I stand for each goal:

1) Submit five pieces of writing. 

I haven’t submitted anything, but I have been doing a lot of research on literary magazines where I can send my work.  I created a folder on my desktop to store links and submission guidelines.  At the moment, I have three strong contenders for a short story I feel is good enough to submit.

2) Finish minor changes in my first novel.

At the moment, my novel is resting comfortably on a shelf.  However, it’s not in the name of procrastination but rather a much needed bit of distance.  I’m at the point where I’m way too attached and involved.  I need a fresh pair of eyes before I start completing any structural changes, (no matter how small).  At the same time, I am happy to report that the first five chapters have been fully edited in terms of grammar and spelling.

3) Work on my second novel.

My muse and I have been very active on this front.  Over the course of January, I’ve written 3,654 words, reworked multiple plot points, and created two new characters.  This is my central project at the moment and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

4) Send out five query letters and be ready with a synopsis.

I’m relatively happy with my query letter after making a few minor adjustments, but I still want to tinker with it a little more.  I added four more agents to my list of possibilities and I continue to do more research via directories and agent websites.  The synopsis, however, is still nonexistent as I continue to  struggle with the format.

5) Keep up with my blog.

So far, so good!  Despite staying busy with so many other things, I’ve been able to consistently post three or four times a week.

6) Network more with other writers.

Surprisingly, I’ve made some decent headway on this goal!  Socializing is not my forté (I take on the role of a reclusive writer with much more ease), but I realize the only way to get my writing out there is to get myself out there.  The extension of my social network is evident on my sidebar:

  • I’ve added a new twitter button and now share my tweets.
  • Over on facebook, I created a Writer Page for my pen name.  I update the page daily with blog information and musings of a writer.  Click “Like” to follow along!
  • I joined goodreads to be part of the reading community as well as the writing community.  Eventually, I plan on creating a goodreads author page.

7) Inspire other writers to keep writing.

This one is hard to gauge, but I hope I’m a positive influence and inspiration for those around me.

Hopefully, I can keep the momentum going in February!

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c.b. 2012