2014 Goals: November Status Report


Overall November was a very successful month in terms of writing goals. Besides getting some solid work done on The Muse, my poetic muscle got a workout as well!

1) Pitch The Muse.

As announced last week, final edits on The Muse are now complete, (see The Finish Line). This, of course, means I’m ready for another round of sending out queries. Hopefully, a shiny new manuscript and a new query letter will incite some interest for my project.

2) Outline and start writing The Muse: Lineage

While plugging a plot hole in the epilogue for The Muse, I got a better sense of where I want to start with Lineage. In addition, I got an idea for a stunning plot twist. Can’t wait to start piecing together the logistics for what I consider a game changing event.

I also added a couple of new songs to the Lineage playlist:

  • Cecilia and the Satellite by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
  • Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons

3) Submit writing.

This space has been filled with a lot of poetry this month thanks to the 2014 November Poem A Day Chapbook Challenge over on Poetic Asides(via Writer’s Digest). I completed the challenge of writing a poem a day, while also achieving my goal of writing 30 Haikus in 30 Days, (I ended up with 45 haikus).

The next phase of the challenge involves submitting a chapbook collection of 20 poems written during the challenge. Over the  next few weeks, I’ll be deciding which haikus to include and figuring out the sequence of how they’ll appear in my chapbook draft.

The entire experience has been nothing short of amazing. Between exploring the haiku form and finding my voice within haiku, I sit in awe of how much I found hiding within 17 syllables.

4) Continue to build author platform.

Social media continues to be a positive experience. My favorite hangout is still over at Facebook. Interaction and traffic continues to rise and I am genuinely having fun.

Facebook likes went from 378 to 384

Twitter followers went from 548 to 550

Thanks so much to everyone for clicking those follow and like buttons! Your support is greatly appreciated.

5) Inspire others.

As always, I hope I am a positive presence.

The invisible goal:

6) Be flexible.

My exploration of haiku took me down many unexpected paths. The form isn’t as rigid as I thought.* We’ve all been taught to write in three lines with a 5-7-5 syllable count, but english language haiku has evolved into a much more liberal format. I’m anxious to experiment with the modern concept of haiku and see where it takes me.

* A little reading brought me to this realization:

  • The Classic Tradition of Haiku ed. Faubion Bowers
  • The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches by Matsuo Basho
  • The Haiku Anthology ed. by Cor van den Heuvel

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c.b.w. 2014


2014 Goals: September Status Report


1) Pitch The Muse.

I’ve heard it said that editing is never done and I’m truly starting to believe it! My editor did an amazing job of cleaning up my manuscript, but there are still a few more changes to make. As September came to a close, I started working through my “to-do” list of things to fix in The Muse. My list includes everything from a single word change to continuity issues.

I’m attacking my list like a test – complete the easy stuff first (single word changes) and then tackle to tough stuff (continuity issues). So far, the system seems to be working as I only have around ten more items left to do!

In addition to editing, I’ve been hard at work researching agents. I added seven agents to my spreadsheet tracker and I’m hoping to send them a query package as soon as I complete my final edits.

2) Outline and start writing The Muse: Lineage

While plot planning, I realized I needed to do a little research. I’m in the process of deciding what element of mythology I want to play with, while also considering how I want to re-imagine it. Recently, my muse has been a bit fascinated with the concept of an oracle. It’ll be fun to see where that path leads!

3) Submit writing.

Tunnel vision regarding The Muse keeps this goal on the shelf.

4) Continue to build author platform.

Traffic on Facebook has been phenomenal. Even though my page Likes shrunk a little, my posts are reaching an audience in the triple digit range. I’m starting to get more creative with what I’m posting and what I write on my page. It’s clearly paying off as traffic continues to grow.

As for Twitter, I haven’t logged in since August, which makes it all the more baffling that my followers have grown. It must be my blog post links! 😉

Facebook likes went from 375 to 374

Twitter followers grew from 544 to 549

Thanks so much to everyone for clicking those follow and like buttons! Your support is greatly appreciated.

5) Inspire others.

As always, I hope I am a positive presence.

The invisible goal:

6) Be flexible.

My recent obsession with Haikubes (and Love Haikubes) has been a surprising and incredibly inspiring addition to my writing process.

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c.b.w. 2014

2014 Goals: July Status Report


July is always a strange month. I’m still basking in summer vacation, yet at the same time my “day job” starts to creep up on me. As the new school year approaches, (August 12), I can’t stop myself from getting a jump on lesson plans and classroom preparation. What can I say, I like to be way ahead of the game before the first day of school!

That being said, I still managed to reserve part of every day for writing. Whether it be poetry or paging through edits on my novel, my muse and I were very mindful about staying on track for this year’s goals.

1) Pitch The Muse.

I am more than halfway through reading the edited version of The Muse.  The process has been very exciting and enlightening. So far, I am on board with all the changes my editor has made as they are very subtle.

Even though most of the comments are absent from the edited version, there are a few that offer suggestions for change or point out discontinuity. In some cases she fixes it and in others, she leaves it alone offers possible ways to fix the problem. As I read, I’m keeping a log of notes with her comments, my thoughts, and the page number. Once I get done reading the draft, I can start working my through my notes.

On the query letter front, I spent some time editing the new format. The word count is a little high, but I think a few more revisions will fix that problem. Meanwhile, I found two more literary agents to add to my “possible agents” folder.

2) Outline and start writing The Muse: Lineage

This month, I focused a lot of my attention on adding to my playlist for this project. I found some great music to help me construct the next phase of my characters’ journey. In particular, Imagine Dragons and Coldplay are helping me feel what my characters are feeling.

3) Submit writing.

I’m so busy playing with my edited novel, I haven’t had much time to think about anything else!

4) Continue to build author platform.

I’m still having a blast on Facebook and traffic is up even though my Likes haven’t grown by much. The interaction is a lot of fun and I hope to keep the momentum going. However, Twitter continues to be a struggle. I don’t hang out on that platform very much and as a result my followers have dropped. Perhaps, it’s time to get back in the Twitter groove!

Facebook likes grew from 371 to 373

Twitter followers dropped from 560 to 551

Thanks so much to everyone for clicking those follow and like buttons! Your support is greatly appreciated.

5) Inspire others.

As always, I hope I am a positive presence.

The invisible goal:

6) Be flexible.

Even though I’d like to land a literary agent, I’m also looking into self-publishing. I’ve researched several companies and platforms that fit my budget. Plan A is still the ultimate goal, but I like having a Plan B in my back pocket!

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c.b.w. 2014

2014 Goals: June Status Report


Summer break brings loads of time for my muse and I to simply indulge in creativity. I’m enjoying the freedom, but I’ve also put the extra time to good use!

1) Pitch The Muse.

Big news on The Muse front. After a little soul-searching, I decided to hire an editor to comb through my manuscript, (See That Moment When You Realize You Need An Editor). I’m super excited to get a new perspective on a project I’ve been working on for so long. This is an exciting leg of the journey and I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and fix what needs to be fixed.

While waiting for my manuscript to come back, I started working on a complete rewrite of my query letter. I ended up letting my main character write it through her perspective (minus first person) as if she were writing her story in a journal or telling a friend. So far, I like the changes, but more work needs to be done.

2) Outline and start writing The Muse: Lineage

I took over 10 pages of notes for Lineage. Everything from plot line ideas to mythology research and possible “re-imaginings” fill line after line in my novel notebook. The main story is clear, but I’m still trying to piece together the small pieces that bring everything together. The process is slow, but the haze is definitely starting to lift.

3) Submit writing.

I didn’t submit anything.  However, I did send my novel to an editor. Does that count? 😉

4) Continue to build author platform.

This month I made a conscious effort to have some fun and Facebook and it has definitely paid off. I’ve started posting and sharing images of quotes that are both inspiring and funny. My followers seem to dig the change as traffic is way up. I’m loving all the interaction!

Facebook likes grew from 366 to 371

Twitter followers grew from 553 to 560

Thanks so much to everyone for clicking those follow and like buttons! Your support is greatly appreciated.

5) Inspire others.

As always, I hope I am a positive presence.

The invisible goal:

6) Be flexible.

A simple act of fate pushed me to find an editor and I’m so happy I took the hint and acted.

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c.b.w. 2014

2014 Goals: May Status Report


May has been all about endings and beginnings. The end of the school year brings about a summer of relaxation and freedom, but also a revived sense of creativity. As my muse continues to pull me in different directions,   I’m enjoying the journey.

1) Pitch The Muse.

Research continues on agents and query letter layouts. The May/June edition of Writer’s Digest and the Spring 2014 edition of Writing Basics have fantastic articles about the Young Adult genre and pitching the perfect query. I’m taking notes and making changes in my approach!

2) Outline and start writing The Muse: Lineage

I’m starting to feel the creative flow begin for this project. I heard a song the other day that made me think of one of my main characters. I could see her reacting to a situation and the vision is continuing to grow. This is pretty exciting as it’s been a while since my muse has even considered working on this story.

3) Submit writing.

I posted two poems on Poetic Asides. Every Wednesday a prompt is posted and writers are encouraged to post their work. It’s not a competition, but I enjoy the camaraderie among poets. It’s very inspiring.

4) Continue to build author platform.

From the looks of things around here, I’ve been busy. I’m giving my entire online presence an overhaul. At the moment, my blog remodel is at the top of my priority list, but I’ll soon be making some changes on Facebook and Twitter. Creativity and writing will still be the focus, but with a new look! Thanks for sticking around as I experiment with layouts, color, and details!

Facebook likes grew from 365 to 366

Twitter followers grew from 549 to 553

Thanks so much to everyone for clicking those follow and like buttons! Your support is greatly appreciated.

5) Inspire others.

As always, I hope I am a positive presence.

The invisible goal:

6) Be flexible.

The idea of changing the look of my blog was tough to consider, but I’m glad I took the plunge. The new layout is already challenging me to try new things with photography and creative writing.

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c.b.w. 2014