

Counting off,
one by one
Here we sit,
neat in rows
All the same,
empty stares

Wooden souls,
polished smiles
Held by rules,
stuck in place
Prison cells
left unlocked

In plain view,
rebels stir
Sideways glance,
about face
Broken line,
open door

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Photo: Traditional wooden toys, Prague, Czech Republic, c.b.w. 2008
Words: c.b.w. 2014
Inspiration: Prague’s history of oppression coupled with the fact that two little critters are breaking “the rules.”




The gate looms, smothered with grime,
gaping mouth, unruly smile
Wash the spirit, pace the line
Once crossed, eyes watch from all sides

The bridge pass, treacherous cross
Uncertain steps gather moss
Fight the fog at any cost,
without courage, the fire is lost

Trace arches, follow the pier
Eerie gate, unlikely seer
Singeing the dark, can you hear
Candles flicker, cast your fears


Pont St. Angelo, Rome
Photo by: c.b.w. 2003

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c.b.w. 2013