The Things I Forgot To Do … And It’s OK


It’s funny sometimes how I’ll create to-do lists to make sure things get done, only to have life throw me curve balls I never could have imagined. Needless to say, this year did not go as anticipated, but by no means is it a bad thing. Doors opened up leading to unexpected places, while others closed inviting me to take a different path.

The last few months of 2019 in particular, I found myself reflecting and thinking about a lot of  things in my life. Things that made me happy and things that did not. As a result, I began the process of making decisions to make sure the happy list is longer than the not happy list.

As I reflect on my To Do List from 2019, I realized a lot has changed in my thinking within the past year.

  1. Read. A lot.

2019: I set the same reading goal of 40 books. In addition, I joined a book discussion group online – a first for me! The idea is to keep up with it and be more involved in the literary community.

Reality: This is pretty much the only item on my list where I didn’t wander off! I read a total of 43 books in 2019, most of which were completed by October. Reading has always been a fundamental part of my life, no matter whatever else is going on. I find comfort in that, especially as everything else seems to be shifting.

The book group I joined quickly unraveled into more of a chat group about everything but books, so I wandered away from it. It’s one of those things that I tried and found it just wasn’t my thing. Reading has long been a solo activity for me and it looks like it always will be!

2. Write and Submit

2019: The realization of my distraction hit me hard and made realize how much I miss writing. This is going to be a year of finding my groove again and truly deciding what I want to write. I’m looking at some freelance opportunities and I know will absolutely continue writing poetry. However, I also want to jump back into fiction and blogging on a more regular basis. As far submitting goes, I think I have some soul-searching to do and once I find my groove, I can start thinking about what to submit and where. This is clearly a rebuilding year!

Reality: I didn’t submit a single piece of writing. In fact, most of my creative writing pursuits centered around poetry, mainly haiku. It’s where my passion is and I decided it doesn’t really matter if it’s published or not because I find so much joy in it on a personal level. I filled two journals this year with over 400 haikus.

I found little or no inspiration for writing fiction and didn’t write a single word. Much to my surprise, I didn’t miss it. For the moment, it seems I enjoy reading fiction more than I enjoy writing it. Perhaps, one day I’ll return to the stories that once stirred in my imagination, but that’s not where my muse is right now. During, the first few months of 2019, I really beat myself up over this, but after some careful reflection I remembered my own philosophy that serves as the tagline of this blog – Just following my muse. She may not be going where I thought she would, but she’s never steered me wrong. I realized I’d been yanking a little too hard on the reins and I just need to let go.

3. Travel.

2019: Wheels are already in motion on the travel front. I’ll be heading to Belgium in the summer with plans to visit at least one other bordering country while I’m there. I’m also hoping to visit a new state within the U.S.

Reality: My passport and I had a great year as we headed off to Europe for another grand adventure. After too long of a hiatus, it’s been great to feed my passion for travel over the last couple of years. Belgium turned out to be a hidden gem of incredible experiences – everything from food, wine, architecture, culture, and friends made this trip nothing short of amazing. As hoped, I got to one other bordering country, too: Luxembourg. It’s a tiny country with a lot to see!

I didn’t get to a new state this year, but rather visited the same ones I do every year! That’s the way it goes sometimes.

4. Look for open doors and step through them.

2019: Keep watch for those open doors and opportunities. Never again do I want to find myself bored and unstimulated because I’ve been doing the same thing for too long.

Reality: This is the year where I learned what I don’t want to do. The first year of my new administrative position was challenging and I enjoyed the stimulus, but that all wore off by the time the new school year started. Changes that occurred at levels above me and to the processes around me made for a miserable experience. By October, I submitted my resignation for the next school year. I’m muscling through this year to fulfill my contract and counting down the days to a full-time return to the classroom (which the powers that be have agreed to do).

For a long time, I felt like a failure, but I quickly realized it was a lot like what happened with my writing. My heart just wasn’t in it and it’s obvious my passion lies elsewhere. I love education and I still love the art of teaching. I got a little too far away from that and I’m glad I made decisions to get back to what I love doing.

That being said, I’m also reevaluating where I teach. I don’t know that I’ll be staying at the school where I’ve been for the last 18 years.  My National Board certification grants me a lot of freedom to see what else is out there. In many ways, it feels like I’ve stayed in one place for so long because it’s what I’ve always done, rather than because I love where I am. It’s a fine line, but also a monumental divide when it comes to how I feel every day when I arrive at work.

5. Give.

2019: I still plan on using my crafty skills to do some good. This year I’ll be looking for ways to get students more involved in the process, while carving out some personal time to create things that challenge my skills and benefit organizations I care about the most.

Reality: My time was not my own this year. The fact that I didn’t get to craft and give as much as I would have liked was one of the reasons why I quit my administrative job. Between time constraints and sheer exhaustion, there wasn’t enough of anything left to be creative or work with students. When I can’t do what fulfills me, changes need to be made. It’s that simple.


More changes are coming, which leaves me oscillating between excitement and an overall sense of nervousness. I’ve always been the steady one that sticks to a schedule, plans ahead, and anticipates every little detail. I don’t have a list for 2020. My only real framework for 2020 is statement that’s been ringing in my head for a while now … Do more of what makes you happy. That’s what I intend to do because the last year took this away from me and I want it back.

There’s a lot to be said for stepping back and realizing things aren’t the way you want them. I have found immense strength and empowerment by having the courage to say “no” when everyone expects me to say “yes” to certain things because I always have. I am exploring new avenues and putting my trust in the unknown more than I ever have before, while at the same time holding onto what matters most to me. So, off I go to do things I never thought I would with curiosity, bravery, and hope that it will bring me joy.



c.b.w. 2020

Checking Off The 2017 To-Do List


Last year, I made a to-do list instead of New Year’s Resolutions. Weirdly, it worked better than any set of goals or list of resolutions I’ve ever made. Some boxes still need to be checked, but overall I can count 2017 as being quite productive.

Item #1: Declutter

Give the state of my head, this one makes sense! However, the clutter in my head is only part of the problem. The house is cluttered, My classroom is cluttered. The past is cluttered.

Done! As someone who just seems to naturally collect things, this was a tough task. I cleared out more than 150 books, 100 CDs and DVDs, 20+ dolls, countless objects from closets, and even more stuff from my classroom and associated storage areas. My classroom in particular feels like an entirely new (and open) space.

In many ways, I have a clean and clear slate. It feels great! There’s still a little more work to do on some shelves and one closet, but I’m ready to dive in and clear even more out.

Item #2: Publish Something

Over the last couple of years, I’ve written over a thousand haiku. I think it’s about time to put together a chapbook or two! I’m probably going to self-publish using a digital platform. There are so many options out there, many of which are free, so I don’t have much of an excuse not to do this!

The same goes for my novel. I’m going to get back into the game of sending out query packages, but I’m also going to dig deeper into research regarding self-publishing outlets. It’s time to get this done!

This is still on the to-do list, unfortunately. However, it isn’t from lack of trying. I managed to score some little victories that pull the dream of publication closer to reality. Between personalized query responses, a top ten finish in a poetry competition, a full manuscript request, and upcoming competitions, this item still has my focus.

Item #3: Read 35 Books

As I have for the last five years, I’ve once again joined the Goodreads Reading Challenge.

Done! I was a lean, mean reading machine this year with a grand total 47 books.

Item #4: Survive National Board Certification

The road to National Board Certification has been brutal … I have one more component to finish and hopefully it will be enough to not only survive, but achieve National Board Certification.

Done! By some miracle, I not only finished, but achieved National Board Certification. It’s still sinking in and it still feels totally and completely surreal.

Item #5: Take Better Care of Myself

I need to eat better, sleep better, and leave more stress at the door. I let the day job invade much too large of a space in my life and it’s time to push it back to where it belongs: at work.

Done in some areas, needs work in others. I’ve definitely created stronger divisions between my personal and professional life and it has impacted me in a positive way. I’ve eliminated a huge source of stress and I feel much better on a daily basis. It’s amazing how setting clear guidelines for your personal and professional time can make such a big difference. Sometimes work does have to come home with me, but I’m careful about how much time it’s allowed to take. Most things I think have to be done right now, can actually wait.

As far as eating better – I’m working on it. That darn chocolate and severe dislike of cooking are hurdles I will have to work harder at overcoming!

As for sleeping better – I’m a lost cause. I’m an insomniac to the core, but I’m getting better at relaxing at more reasonable hours.

Item #6: Go Somewhere

I miss traveling. It’s time for another adventure. 🙂

Yes, it is! My husband and I renewed our passports this summer. We were unable to go anywhere in 2017 due to our elderly furbaby who needed constant care. However, with his sad passing and taking the time to grieve, we have reached a new chapter in our lives. Amsterdam is at the top of our list for the coming summer!

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As 2018 approaches, I’m already thinking about what’s next on the To-Do List. Stay tuned! 🙂

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How did your To Do List go for 2017?

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c.b.w. 2017




To Do List: 2017


I hesitate to make so-called resolutions, but I do love a good to-do list. Instead of making the oh so predictable list of goals for the year, I’m going to dig through the list of things in my head I keep meaning to do. These are things that keep piling up thanks to life getting in the way or they are simply forgotten in the cluttered mess that is my head.

Item #1: Declutter

Give the state of my head, this one makes sense! However, the clutter in my head is only part of the problem. The house is cluttered, My classroom is cluttered. The past is cluttered.

The last one is probably why everything else in my life is full of just too much. After four years of many personal losses, it’s been hard to let things go. The fact that I have awareness and understanding of this fact is why I’m now able to move forward. I no longer need to hold onto so many things to feel anchored. I can let go.

The following areas are where I’m focusing my energy:


  • Bookshelves throughout the house. This is actually where I started. On January 1, I cleared out close to 150 books.
  • DVD shelf – we have almost 1,000 DVDs. There’s no way we need that many. Clearly, we love TV and Movies, but I know there are quite a few duds on the shelf!
  • CD Shelf – Same deal as the DVD shelf. There is some weird stuff on this shelf and it’s time to sift out the duds.

Closets: There’s too much of just about everything: blankets, sheets, clothes, shoes, etc.

  • master closet
  • linen closet
  • hobby closet

Hobby/Guest Room

  • Multiple shelves jammed with stuff (not even sure what)
  • Barbie Collection – I have close to a hundred dolls, but I want the collection to be more streamlined to reflect my love of vintage and vintage-look dolls. So far, I’ve pulled 21 dolls to give away or sell. 

Writing Area

  • One of the biggest culprits of clutter are old journals, multiple novel drafts, and writing reference books. A lot of this comes from figuring out who I am as a writer. I’ve figured it out and now it’s time to sort through the paper trail and discard what no longer matters, (i.e. rough drafts, journals full of scribbles).


  • Supply closet – OMG. So much stuff has landed here over 17 years.
  • Storage area in department office – started this last year, but more work needs to be done

Item #2: Publish Something

Over the last couple of years, I’ve written over a thousand haiku. I think it’s about time to put together a chapbook or two! I’m probably going to self-publish using a digital platform. There are so many options out there, many of which are free, so I don’t have much of an excuse not to do this!

The same goes for my novel. I’m going to get back into the game of sending out query packages, but I’m also going to dig deeper into research regarding self-publishing outlets. It’s time to get this done!

Item #3: Read 35 Books

As I have for the last five years, I’ve once again joined the Goodreads Reading Challenge.

Item #4: Survive National Board Certification

The road to National Board Certification has been brutal. It is not fun navigating a newly rolled out process because there are so many unknowns. Previously certified teachers can’t really help, nor can the coaches. I have one more component to finish and hopefully it will be enough to not only survive, but achieve National Board Certification.

Item #5: Take Better Care of Myself

I need to eat better, sleep better, and leave more stress at the door. I let the day job invade much too large of a space in my life and it’s time to push it back to where it belongs: at work.

Item #6: Go Somewhere

I miss traveling. It’s time for another adventure. 🙂

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What’s on your To Do List for 2017?

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c.b.w. 2017

As I Wander


My blog has always been a mixed bag of topics ranging from poetry, musings, and crafts. This space started with the idea of simply following wherever my muse leads me. To my great surprise, I ended up with an audience of readers. More surprising still, after five years you’re all still here and growing!

As I look back on early posts, it’s amazing to see how much this blog has evolved. This year, in particular, has seen a major shift towards poetry as opposed to lengthy articles on crafts, books, and travel. As much as I still love reading and traveling, that’s not where my muse wanted to go. I believe this change is the direct result of both inspiration (thanks to a growing fascination with haiku) and the need to write poetry as a form of catharsis.

In the early stages of the poetic shift, I second guessed myself, wondering if my readers would continue to make this blog part of their day. Let’s face it, poetry (and haiku in particular) is not everyone’s thing. However, I realized very quickly that I didn’t start this journey using smoke and mirrors. Following my muse meant being honest about what inspires me and what that inspiration creates. To do anything less defeats the purpose of this blog!

As the new year approaches, I’d like to thank all my readers for the continued support. I’m amazed every day how many of you show up to read, like, and comment every time I post. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t boost my confidence and encourage me to continue this quest of creativity.

I don’t know what my muse has in store for me in 2016, but I will surely be listening to her with an open mind and motivated pen. Change is certainly in the air as poetry and other pursuits are finding a bit more balance with one another. My muse and I look forward to continuing the journey with you, dear readers.

Here’s a look back on 2015, courtesy of It was a great year in the blogosphere!

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 49,000 times in 2015. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 18 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.


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Happy New Year! 🙂

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c.b.w. 2015