Ghosts of Leadenhall


Given new names
old paths remain
Relics keep watch
secrets be safe
As footsteps fall
whispers linger
Cobblestone myths
wait to be told

Leadenhall Market

Leandenhall Market, London
Photo by: c.b.w. 2006

Leadenhall Market has been a London staple since the 14th century, but this street market has undergone countless makeovers. The cobblestones and decorative architectural features, including the roof, were added in the late 19th century. Tourists flock to Leadenhall to gawk at the columns and drool over the ornate decor. It’s easy to get lost in gilded cornices and awe inspiring ceilings. However, if you stop by the market on a Sunday morning when the shops are closed, Leadenhall Market is no longer a tourist destination. Walkways are empty and the air of the past seems to float down and wander through the present.

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c.b.w. 2013