1 Challenge, 7 Links


One of my favorite bloggers, Random Acts of Writing [+ art], was kind enough to include me on something called the Seven Link Challenge.Β I’m honored to say the least that she felt I had a body of work worthy of such an endeavor. Β The idea is to reflect on previous blog posts and share our favorite moments.

Blogging is a relatively new thing for me, but I have to say I’ve enjoyed every step of the process. From dismal failures to surprising successes the blogosphere has challenged me to grow as a writer. Since late April 2011, I’ve managed to write 80 posts covering a wide range of topics. Launching this blog was all about giving myself a reason to write and I’m happy to say I’m more motivated then ever. Β Thank you to all my readers for joining me on this journey.

Most beautiful post:

  • Can You See Your Dreams?Β Β Dreams are always beautiful. Β In this post, I give an outline of a dream board I keep posted above my writing desk. I was delighted to hear from people who were inspired to create a dream board for themselves. Β If that’s not beautiful I don’t know what is.

Most popular post:

  • The Best Souvenirs Are FreeΒ Β Thanks to Freshly Pressed, this post takes an easy victory for most popular. Β I’m still suffering from FPSS! Β While the stats skyrocketed, I swear the most fun part of the whole thing was the long list of comments. Β So many readers shared beautiful stories of travel and trinkets – their comments are well worth the read if you find yourself with a few extra minutes.

Most controversial post:

  • I Write Like . . .Β Β The last word I would use to describe my blog is “controversial,” but this post got a few people to e-mail me personally. Β I love how some viewed it as a fun game, while others are determined to figure out the secret algorithm of the program. Β Either way, fun is had by all.

Post that didn’t get the attention I thought it deserved:

  • Ivan Klima: The Best Writer You’ve Never ReadΒ Β This category gives me yet another opportunity to tout the genius of Β Ivan Klima. Β HeΒ is one of my favorite writers and I always feel like he doesn’t get enough attention. Β In this post, I outline a few favorite works and include some quotes that showcase his unique point of view.

Surprisingly Successful Post:Β 

No matter what I do, I can’t narrow it down to one!

  • The Anatomy of My Pen NameΒ Β I had no idea so many people would be fascinated by my pen name process, but this post really struck a chord with writers and readers alike.

Most Helpful Post:

I can’t help it! Β Two links fall under this category, too!

  • Books I Can’t Write WithoutΒ Β I posted this a while ago, but people still contact me with news of buying the books I listed. Β Who would have thought my library would have such an impact? Β I sincerely hope each book helps to keep the inspiration going. Β Keep writing!
  • The Notebook that Built My NovelΒ Β I wrote this post because a friend of mine asked about my novel notebook and how it worked. Β As a result of the post, a lot of people were inspired to make one of Β their own and I can’t even begin to say how exciting it is to hear that.

Most Proud of Post:

Can I put the whole blog? Okay, okay, I’ll narrow it down to two.

  • The Bell JarΒ Β This was the first book review where I feel like I finally found my groove in writing a synopsis. Β Readers seemed to agree, as this was the first book post that got a steady stream of comments.
  • The Way BackΒ Β This is the post that launched my blog, so I have to include it on the list! Β Thanks to this short story and those who read it, my blogging continues!

– – –

I’d like to invite the following bloggers to take on the Seven Link Challenge:

RoughWaterJohn the Pirate

TBN Ranch

Tattered Past


Write Up My Life

You are all an inspiration to me and I hope you’ll take on the challenge!

c.b. 2011

8 thoughts on “1 Challenge, 7 Links

  1. Wow, I’m so honored to have made your list!! I’ve read many of the posts you mentioned and will go back and take a look at the ones I missed. I will take up the challenge, but not until next week as I have a full blogging plate at the moment. It will be fun though!

    Your blog is one of the most inspiring that I read. So glad we found each other!


    • I enjoy your blog so much and I can’t wait to see what posts you choose to highlight. By all means, take your time . . . I visit your space almost every day so I’m sure to catch it. πŸ™‚

      Thanks for always leaving such nice comments! πŸ™‚


  2. Oh dear. You know I can’t make decisions. Still, thank you for the honor and I am looking forward to looking back through my 215 posts. This may take some time.
    As I was reading your list and your little descriptions the words that came to mind for the comment were just, “Oh Wow!”


  3. What an amazing and intriguing post! I loved seeing your picks for each category, and I really enjoyed reading posts I haven’t had the pleasure of reading yet, as well as revisiting old friends. πŸ™‚ It’s going to take a little time, but I’m looking forward to answering those same questions, and find out what my answers will be. Thanks for the opportunity!


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