June Status Report: 2012 Goals


June turned out to be a month of realizations and adjustments. As a result, some of my goals have to change in order to compensate for what I’ve learned.  I don’t see this as a setback, but rather a reassessment of where I stand and where I need to go next.

While some projects have changed drastically, others continue to tick along at a rapid pace.  A month without a day job does wonders for the muse!

1) Submit five pieces of writing to contests, journals, literary magazines, or the newspaper.

I made some headway on this goal by submitting The Expanding Pear to the Your Story #42 competition in Writer’s Digest.  I didn’t make the final cut, but I’m still proud of the piece and myself for finally gathering the courage to submit something this year.

In addition, I entered Your Story #43.  The competition only calls for a single sentence of 25 or fewer words, but sometimes that’s more difficult than a short story.  So, I’ve decided it counts as my second submission this year.

In the coming month, I’ve got my eye on three more opportunities for submission:

Sixteenth Annual Zoetrope: All Story Short Fiction Contest (Opens July 1st)

Write It Your Way (Writer’s Digest – Summer Stories) (Deadline July 15). I’ve got a story started and I think I can finish it in time!

Wordrunner eChapbooks (July 1 – August 26). Starting next week, I’ll be setting up a few polls where my wonderful readers will have a hand in helping me decide which three poems will be submitted.

2) Finish minor changes in my first novel.

After receiving an amazing and constructive critique of my first chapter, I embarked on a little experiment.  In the critique I was asked if I’d ever considered switching the point of view from third person to first person.  I was so happy to see that question as its something I’ve kicked around in my head for a while now.

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been re-writing my first novel in first person to get a sense of whether its the right to do for the character and the story.  The first chapter is fully converted and I’m halfway through the second.  Should this work out, this means my goal of finishing minor changes goes right out the window and I’ll be taking on the workload of converting the entire manuscript.

3) Work on my second novel.

My second novel dominates most of my days.  If I’m not typing out a scene, I’m outlining, brainstorming, or listening to characters speak in my head.  Last week I punched out a huge turning point scene and I’m in the process of planning the climax.  I love this story!!

Starting word count: 53,695
End word count: 59,596
Total word count:  5,901

That 60,000 word count goal I set for the year is so close I can taste it!

4) Send out five query letters and be ready with a synopsis.

With Goal #2 in the midst of a possibly drastic change, I am putting this goal on hold.

5) Keep up with my blog.

June has the distinction of being the first month where I’ve posted every single day!  That being said, I’ve made the decision that I have to cut back if my workload increases for Novel #1.

Thank you so much to everyone who continues to stop by.  Your support is so inspiring as are your comments!  I will still be posting several days a week, so be sure to stay tuned!

6) Network more with other writers.

This month, I was better at networking with other writers in person rather than online.  This is a strange departure for me as I’ve never been known as a social butterfly.  I’ve really enjoyed the inspiration that comes from hanging out with other writers and enjoying a cup of coffee.

However, I managed to gain some increases in the online world as well.

My Facebook Page has grown from 140 to 165 Likes.

On Twitter, my followers have grown from 237 to 265.

Thank you so much to everyone who has clicked those “Like” and “Follow” buttons!  I appreciate all of you so much!

To follow me on either network, please visit my sidebar.

7) Inspire other writers to keep writing.

As always, I hope I am a positive presence!

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c.b.w. 2012

37 thoughts on “June Status Report: 2012 Goals

  1. You are indeed a positive presence. Just reading your list of accomplishments and adjustments is so inspiring. You keep going like this and by the end of the summer you will be in places you hadn’t even dreamed of.


    • I’m already way ahead of where I thought I’d be. I can’t believe how far along Novel #2 has come along, nor can I believe that Novel #1 is in the midst of a possible breakthrough. What a month!


  2. I’m with you there on the month of June-so many changes, it’s hard to keep up! And I don’t see them settling down any. And maybe they shouldn’t. You continue to inspire me! I have enjoyed our time together. Just a thought: might you do inquiry letter for novel #2? Good luck on the rest of your submissions!


    • Change always leads us to where we are supposed to be. Sometimes it bugs me when a plan does go the way I thought it would, but then the end result is usually better than I anticipated. 🙂

      Novel #2 is still in pretty rough shape. The story is there but it’ll need some major polishing before I think about putting a query letter together.


      • There are many authors who put out a query letter with just the idea of a book, or maybe just the first couple of chapters written. It could take a while to get an editor/agent. Might give you the time you need to polish #2, and start on it’s sequel 🙂


  3. debbierea

    Setting goals is exactly what I need to do, it is so easy to get distracted. Thanks for sharing your projects so openly, it is really indeed an inspiration. I’m off to make a concrete list of writing goals for July.


    • Its amazing how a list of goals can center your motivation. Instead of feeling like there’s so much to do, a list helps keep everything organized in a doable way. 🙂 Good luck with setting and achieving your goals!


  4. Glad to see so much progress this month. You do inspire me to do better. I have to get into the habit of making goals and lists and actually following through instead of letting life carry me off into completely opposite directions! 🙂


    • I was worried when summer rolled around because I have soooo much free time. Its easy to go astray when the whole day is free to do whatever I want! I had to make sure a block of time each day was devoted to writing. 🙂


      • I can certainly relate to that. So many summer breaks have gone on aimlessly and soon it’s over with nothing to show for all the ‘free’ time I’d had that could have been devoted to writing if I’d only had a plan. 🙂


  5. I’m so glad to get an update of your goals for 2012. I’ve been wondering how things have been coming along and what you’ve been up to. Good luck with the remaining projects- I’m really intrigued and very excited about your second novel.

    The overhaul you have to do for your fist novel sounds like a huge project, good luck with it! I hope it turns out to be even better than you anticipate!


    • I’m excited about Novel #2 as well. I had no idea it was going to turn into something so big, but I love, love, love where its going. 🙂

      Novel #1 is still kinda up in the air, but its fun to gave it a little facelift. 🙂


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