Photography Challenge: At Work


This past summer I took on the challenge of completing a list of photography prompts put forth by one of my favorite bloggers, all the soft places, (see the challenge here and here). After completing about half of the list, my day job started up again and I ran out of time to complete every prompt. However, I haven’t forgotten about it! This week, I decided to jump back in because I am still very determined to finish what I started. I may not get around to it every week, but I won’t give up the project until every item can be scratched off the list.

I took my camera to work yesterday and here’s what happened:

Prompt: Capture something vibrant.

Thermal Map of the World
Photo by: c.b.w.

I took this shot by aiming at part of a poster in my classroom. Those bold colors represent the varying temperatures of the earth.

Prompt: Capture something that makes you smile.

Lava Lamp Bubbles
Photo by: c.b.w.

My lava lamp is an endless source of entertainment. During my first year of teaching, I found a lava lamp hiding in the supply closet and it had a place in both of my classrooms until it met an unfortunate end last year.  After a period of mourning, I bought a new one and it makes me smile every day.

Prompt: Transform something boring into something interesting.

Lesson Plan: England’s transition to a consitutional monarchy. Are you excited, yet?
Photo by: c.b.w.

I relied on my profession for this one! This is one of my more popular lesson plans because it lets students cut loose with markers and crayons. Historians may find England’s transition to a constitutional monarchy exciting, but fifteen-year-olds do not unless you make it fun.

Prompt: Find something that is always growing.

How’s this for a self-portrait?
Photo by: c.b.w.

My hair. I’ve been growing it out for over year and it’s getting really long. At this point it’s halfway down my back and I love it!

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As for the rest of the challenge, I have nine more shots to take!

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c.b.w. 2012